In the period 1-8 July 2023 in Thessaloniki, Greece, NANOTEXNOLOGY 2023 was held. The conference was organized by the LTFN Laboratory of Nanotechnology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, co-organized by the HOPE-A Business Association and supported by numerous research projects.
More than 1000 scientists, researchers and company representatives from 65 countries participated in the conference. More than 460 presentations were given by internationally renowned scientists, while 40 companies from all over the world participated in the NANO EXPO International Exhibition of Innovative Products and Applications.
Being a scientific and technological event, NANOTEXNOLOGY has a triple objective: (a) to bring together researchers, scientists and entrepreneurs from all corners of the globe in the field of nanotechnologies and digital innovation and their applications in energy, health, agri-food, smart cities, transport and automotive, etc., (b) to highlight new cutting-edge technologies and innovations created in these fields, and (c) to propose and promote their results in new applications and solutions for the economy and society.
The conference included 3 international conferences and a number of special thematic sessions with all the latest developments in the fields of nanotechnology and nanobiotechnology, advanced materials, organic & printed electronics, nanomedicine, green energy and digital innovation, with the participation of representatives from more than 500 universities, research institutions and companies from all over the world.
ESNA was presented by a stand and also promoted during talks of our members.
More information: www.nanotexnology.com